A much needed place for honesty in my daily life of being a mom.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Where's Genna...?

Do you remember the days of "Where's Waldo"? Well this is the same idea but instead of finding Waldo, you must find Genna. Trust me when I say that she will not be hard to spot, lol. When I went into Genna's room last night to turn off her lamp and tuck her in I was faced with a bed full of dolls and Genna was just sleeping in the midst of it. If she would have been awake I could have really made it difficult to find her in this pic because I would have placed her differently. However, it was still so funny to walk in and see the sight. Good luck finding Genna. :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

A conversation with my 4 year old...

This happened today in the car after picking up Genna from preschool.

ME: Genna, please tell me one thing about school today.
GENNA: Miss Jill gave me a kiss!
ME: Really, a kiss? How come? What did you deserve to a kiss?
GENNA: I behaved nicely. I got a kiss and it was messy.
ME: Miss Jill gave you kiss, how nice, messy huh? Interesting.
GENNA: It got on my dress so you have to wash it tonight.
ME: Um, Genna honey, was this a chocolate kiss?
GENNA: Yeah mommy, I said that already. Miss Jill have me a kiss :)

Four year olds can be exasperating sometimes.

Another conversation a few minutes later.

GENNA: Mommy, guess what?
ME: What sweetie?
GENNA: Miss Josie had a wrist mint today?
ME: Wrist mint? What's that?
GENNA: Mommy you know, Miss Debbie had it too, remember?
ME: HUH? What is a wrist mint? Is that something that is on Miss Josie's arm?
GENNA: No mommy, not on the arm, it is at school and I did it with Miss Debbie. Do you know now?
ME: (laughing) Are you trying to say "enrichment?"
GENNA: Yes, mommy, wrist ment, that is what I said.

BTW, enrichment is a class following lunch at preschool that kids can sign up for that is part arts and crafts, part cooking, part whole lotta fun.

Me and my baby girl!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random cuteness...

OK, so I do not want to be "that mom" who is always bragging about my kids and trying to one-up another mom. That is just not me. However, since this is my blog, I reserve the right to just talk about some random acts of cuteness that my kids have shown recently. And of course I will add some pics just for fun...

Allison is always wanting to go shopping with me which is one of my fave activities. I think most of all she thinks I will always buy her anything she wants even though she knows her actions do not always earn it. Allison can be sweet, and just as fast become sassy. She can be deliriously happy and then in a blink-of-an-eye, she is rude and downright mean, especially to her little sis. With all her emotions, she is still just like I was at that age. And of course that means she is very special to me but probably for all the wrong reasons. Allison is slow to warm to people, hates trying new things that she is afraid of, but if she wants something (like to tie her shoes, learn to ride a bike or master the hula hoop) she will not give up until she gets it and I love her for that because that is the kind of person I strive to be and for all my trying never am. I am proud of her for finally taking her fist dance class. She has wanted to do it many times. She tried it last summer, cried hysterically, and the dance camp made me come and get her and told me not to bring her back. But she wanted to try again. She cried again when entering the class two days ago, but followed thru with the whole class. After it was over she said she had been a bit scared, but it was no biggie and why was she ever nervous. In her words, "it was fun mom and I want to keep coming." Whoo hoo. You go girl...

Genna is my little performer. She loves to sing and dance whenever possible. The other day at the mall play area she climbed up onto the tallest thing she could find and started singing and wiggling her hips, quite a cute sight actually. At the beginning of the month we gathered at my parents house for labor day dinner with the fam. Genna decided to grab a mike and start singing for everyone. Her songs of choice were one by Hannah Montana, "Nobody's Perfect" and "Had a bad day" by Daniel Powter. So the words in the first two lines of the chorus for bad day is "Because you had a bad day, You're taking one down." And Genna's version is "had a bad day, need a cinnabon now." The nobody's perfect chorus is "Nobody's perfect, I gotta work it, again and again 'til I get it right." Genna sings it like this "nobody's perfect, I think I'm allergic." Oh man, I may have a future diva on my hands...

This happened back in June. It is the last day of 1st grade for my son and typically on this day you spend the last hour or so with the teacher you will have in the fall. So Ian, my son, goes into the 2nd grade classroom and takes a seat. The teacher starts by introducing herself and says you can call me "Mrs. Z". She wants to do if anyone else has a nickname they would like to be known by. So Ian raises his hand and says "I would like to be called DJ!" I think I fell off my chair laughing when he told me this. Uh, Ian my love, (said while laughing) your name and the name DJ sound nothing alike (said with more laughter), neither name has anything to do with the other (can't control the laughing) and why would you say that (laughing so hard now tears are flowing). I think I will be laughing about this for a long time. He then tells me that it never really happened, lol. Ah, my son the comic...

Monday, September 08, 2008

A B C - Delicious

Just a quick, silly post about the ABC's of my life. Today while eating lunch I surprised my two girls (see picture below). One daughter was done with preschool for the day and the other was home sick from school. I just wanted to do something to make my girls smile. We were eating spaghetti-o's for lunch, by the way. Whoever said mealtime cannot be fun never bought ABC Spaghettio's.

Yeah, in case you didn't get it, those are the names of my kids. What a great spelling lesson too. The teacher in me just thought it was a great teaching tool. We could have gone on spelling all day except that we ran out of ABC spaghetti-o's.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Life is good...

My husband lost his job. There internet, I said it. It has been a hard month and having my man at home ALL THE TIME is not my idea of an ideal situation. Honestly, I like being lazy, I would like to sit around all day and have kids who do not need to be constantly reminded to put their clothes in the laundry, shoes in the closet, toys on the shelf, etc. That being said the only time I am ever sitting and doing what I want to for myself is after all 3 kids are in their beds and I sit down, check my email and have some dvr time. Of course I do have time alone when I am running errands, grocery shopping, while all the kids are at camp or school, but I feel like I am never truly relaxed. I rush through my morning shower even knowing full well the kids are sleeping, I rush through getting the kids breakfast, packing lunches and even bedtime. I think I somehow rushing to get to the end of the day when I can have that time just for me. Is that selfish? Probably, huh?

Anyway, the title of this post, life is good, is about how I has an absolutely relaxed evening tonight with my husband while at a baby naming ceremony. I ran into about a gazillion people I knew and it was just nice to be with people. I enjoyed the conversation, catching up with people and just being with my husband, who I really do love with all my heart and soul.

It just goes to show you that even though our situation is not the greatest right now, being with friends who care about you and have your best interest at heart can really be just what we needed all along. And even more surprising that I would say in light of my husband have no job life really is pretty great.

Here is a new picture of all the kids from this past week. Just thought I would share them with you. Enjoy :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Gods must be smiling...

OK, so it is not the gods who are smiling. It is just the eggs I cracked into the bowl to make breakfast this past week. I just thought it was kind of a sign that someone, somewhere, needed me to have a good smile that day. It was just a cool coincidence that the way the eggs landed into the bowl made me want to post here about it. I almost hated to whisk them and ruin the nice to start to my day. I hope your eggs are smiling too :)

Monday, February 04, 2008

We are family...

I know in our daily lives we sometimes forget to tell those people around us how special they are and what they mean to us. So in this season of love, Valentine's Day, I just want my family to know how much I love them. I am who I am because of them and they give my life meaning. I also wanted to post this picture of us at a recent family black tie event. It is very rare that all of us are together, happy and looking quite spiffy. Enjoy! And Happy Valentine's Day everyone :)